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Frk. Jacobsen

Frk. Jacobsen við Anju Jacobsen á odda hevur í eitt longri tíðarskeið staðið sum tónaskald, sangari og trummuspælari á danska og evropeiska eksperimenterandi tónleikapallinum. Projektið Frk. Jacobsen byrjaði fyri 10 árum síðani og hevur 3 útgávur á baki.

Higartil hevur Frk. Jacobsen framført við fleiri kendum donskum jazz artistum. Hon hevur vunnið ein Steppeulv prís fyri ársins tónleikari og hevur mangan framført á Copenhagen Jazz Festival. Á hennara seinastu útgávu I HAVEN, ganga sangirnir fyri seg sum scenur í eitt nú havanum, skóginum, á markini, við kirsuberjatræið og eisini í framtíðini. Frk. Jacobsen sigur um útgávuna: “Eg haldi tað vera spennandi at arbeiða við markinum millum ymsu listagreinirnar, her í millum, tónleik, sjónleik, bókmentir og framførslu.

Hoyr I HAVEN her: https://frkjacobsen.bandcamp.com/album/i-haven

Anja Jacobsen – trummur, slagverk og sang
Lil Lacy – keys, cello & kór
Ida Duelund – bass
Lars Bech Pilgaard – gittar

Havnar Jazzfelag bjóðar vælkomin á føroyskum, men bólkarnir á Vetrarjazz velja hvat mál tey velja at tosa undir síni konsert.

Atgongumerki til konsertina fæst her: https://www.nlh.fo/?event=10335/barnakonsert-vid-frk-jacobsen-dk

Facebook tiltak: https://fb.me/e/1vGREn6TA

Jazzpass til allan festivalin (449,-) fæst her: https://mwn.atgongumerki.fo/webshop/event/2317115/order/info

Síggjast á Vetrarjazz 2024!

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Frk. Jacobsen (Anja Jacobsen) has for many years worked actively as a composer, singer, and drummer on the experimental Danish and European music scene in projects such as Selvhenter and Valby Vokalgruppe, as well as as a solo artist. 

She is also involved in countless collaborations, e.g. often with performance artist Sara Hamming, who is also the dramaturg of the album’s lyrics.

Behind the new album “I HAVEN” lies three years of work, a process which also involves the staged concert ‘I/O – a concert in 9 scenes’, which was performed during the Copenhagen Jazz Festival in 2021. During the concert, the text was projected as under/ over-texts; both as lines that were sung or as director’s notes that were read by the audience during instrumental passages.

“I think it’s exciting to work with the border between the arts, here between music, theatre, literature and performance. It is the music that is the main focus, but what does it do to the listener’s experience that it suddenly says e.g. ‘Glllogl, a big bunch of worms, creeping in from the left’ while we’re playing?”, says Anja Jacobsen.

Listen to their newest album I HAVEN here: https://frkjacobsen.bandcamp.com/album/i-haven

Anja Jacobsen – drums, percussion, and vocals
Lil Lacy – keys, cello, backing vocals
Ida Duelund – bass
Lars Bech Pilgaard – guitar

Tickets for the concert: https://www.nlh.fo/?event=10335/barnakonsert-vid-frk-jacobsen-dk

Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/1vGREn6TA

Jazzpass Festival tickets (449,-): https://mwn.atgongumerki.fo/webshop/event/2317115/order/info

Havnar Jazzfelag will be introducing the band in Faroese, but all festival musicians will be free to speak on their preferred language.

See you there!

Sat, January 27, 2024