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Hetta er aðruferð Gentugjamm verður á Vetrarjazzi, tí enn er tørvur á tiltøkum, ið menna og geva kvinniligum tónleikarum í føroyum dirvi at taka sítt pláss á palli, til gjamm. Gentugjamm er ÓKEYPIS og allar kvinnur og fem-identifiserandi persónar eru vælkomin á pall hetta kvøldið!
Facebook tiltak: https://fb.me/e/1zQX25DiP


This will be the second year that Vetrarjazz includes the Girls’ Jam in the program and this is because the Jazz organisation still finds this necessary in the Faroese jazz music environment that has very few female musician representatives. It is therefore deemed very important with incentives like these that give female/fem-identifying musicians the courage to step onto the stage and own their place there.

Wed, January 24, 2024